Monday, October 19, 2009

Really side stepped that landmine...

Yesterday was our first big family event after finding out that we are with child. Normally family parties consist of lots and lots of questions usually going something like this:

(Family member): " long have you guys been married now?"
(Hubs): "Just over three years."
(Family member): "Wow, time sure does fly!"
(Me): "It sure does. So what have you been..."
(Family member interupts): "So...when will we be seeing some little ones from you?"
(Hubs and I look nervously at one another)
(Hubs & Me respond together with phrases such as): "Who knows", "Maybe soon", "We're just enjoying being married", "Maybe next year", etc, etc, etc.

But this visit started (key word: started) oddly comfortable. I explained to that I was fighting a cold and trying to stay hydrated to prepare for a big week at work which is why I wasn't having my usual giant goblet glass of wine. My fatal mistake was leaning over to The Hubs about two hours in and whispering, "This is great! No one has grilled us tonight!" Not ten minutes later, we walk into the kitchen where The Hubs' two aunts and grandpa are chatting and I hear....

(Aunt): "A, come here...I've noticed that you've had Diet Coke and water there something we should know about?"

UGH! I thought I was out of the woods. I look at The Hubs who conveniently has his trademark deer-in-the-headlights look. So, I try to deflect the situation blabbing about my cold and blah, blah, blah, there must be a bug going around, blah, get the picture. Thinking I was out of the woods I get hit with the most uncomfortable question of all time....

(Aunt #2) "So, are you guys trying?"

Ummm...I'm trying to avoid awkward moments like this! I'm so tempted to follow up with asking, "trying what?" But I know this is a time when playing dumb won't work. Instead I just say "no". Technically, we are not trying right now. But it's not over. Then I get asked:

(Aunt #2) : "When do you think you will want a baby?"

I respond with, "maybe next year." Again, another true statement, since we are due in June. My Sister-in-Law then quickly changes the subject--God bless her.

As we are walking to the car, I realize what a horrible liar I am and I wondering if they are really suspicious. I'm sure they are. Everyone knows I love my wine, and I'm not usually one to turn it down. We are trying to wait as long as possible before telling our families and friends...we're hoping to make it to Thanksgiving. We'll see how far we get....

Five weeks in and it's been smooth sailing. The baby books say that week 6 is when the real fun starts AKA morning sickness. Peanut, please be good to mama...

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