Thursday, April 22, 2010

A pain in the butt...literally.

I truly feel guilty blogging about pretty much the only difficult part about this pregnancy, but seeing as I have an outlet to vent and people to vent to, I'm gonna! A couple weeks ago I started experiencing a dull pain in my lower back/upper butt on my right side. No big deal, just kind of a nagging pain that would come on and then go away. As the days went by, it got much worse until it became excruciating and constant. The worst part was it even hurt to lay down. I searched blogs, online websites and consulted my personal, 24 hour-a-day-on-call physical therpist (otherwise known as Opa, Hubs' dad). I tried everything. Warm baths, ice, sitting on a ball, heating pads--nothing gave much relief. The Hubs pleaded with me to take some Tylenol, which my doctor recommended, but I really didn't want to. 6 days into the pain, I broke down and took a half dosage, for the first time this pregnancy--it did nothing.

So, I have been seeing a Physical Therapist who has said the right side of my sacrum is out of alignment and the extra weight up front is putting pressure on both the joint and my sciatic nerve--a double whammy!
Thank goodness I'm not a total wimp! He gave me a bunch of exercises to do and after a massage (on the tummy pillow!) said that a after couple visits a week for 2-3 weeks I should feel much better. I've been a good patient and have been doing my exercises at home which have definitely helped. I'm pretty sure Peanut has changed positions which has helped as well! Sounds like Peanut heard my plea!

This weekend is more prepping for Peanut. Must get the closets cleaned out, pick up the rocker/ottoman that is in & my first baby shower is Sunday! Can't wait!

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