The title is meant to be facetious. The Hubs and I always talk about how unexciting we are and if 8-years-ago-us could see what we do now on Friday night, they would be shocked. So, last night we did some exciting stuff and went on an outing to Macaroni Grill for dinner, then to Target to get a present for our Nephew's birthday coming up and then....well...that's it! Hey, that is miles ahead of last Friday where the Hubs and I ordered take-out and waited all night for our favorite Friday night programming--Dateline, where about 5 minutes in, I said to the Hubs. "What are we doing?" And he responds, "You're totally right...let's watch this in bed!" So there we were, two happy DINKS snuggled up in bed Friday night at 9:06pm, gripped by Keith Morrison detailing the mystery of how a wife and her two kids ended up falling down a cliff and dying...duh! Her crazy Husband! But I digress....
Our fearless friends D & G were with us and we were again reminded about how utterly unexciting we are when the young, hip waitress, Kathy, (who was by far the youngest looking "Kathy" I have ever seen) says, "So, what are you guys doing tonight? Maybe catching a movie, or going out?" We all blankly look at her and say, "Nope, this is it!" Screw you Kathy! At least we're not working! ( Oh snap!)
Cutest part of the night was when the Hubs, who decided he wanted to tell D & G the big news, did so right after we sat down this way:

Cute, huh? It was fun to finally tell a couple of friends! It's been hard keeping this secret, especially to them because we hang out every weekend and G is 37 weeks preggo with Claire-bear. We spent the rest of the night talking about baby stuff and getting excited how our kids will be 7 months apart in age and in the same grade at school..yay! But, I don't care what 8-years-ago-us would say....because we aren't the same people's us + a peanut ;)
Yes, Your life will definitely change!