Friday, February 26, 2010
24 week check up!
Total weight gain/loss: ~+15...seeing the doctor next week and really hoping I didn't go crazy lately.
Maternity clothes?: Fo sho.
Stretch marks? Unfortunately, Lefty (left boob) is stretchy stricken on the underside. None other than that, well, that I can see :(
Sleep: Lately, it's been marvelous. Peanut gives me a not-so-subtle 5am wakeup call to give it more room by getting up to pee by kicking me.
Best moment this week: While laying it bed, I started talking to Peanut and it kicked back! I'm sure it's a coincidence, but I like to think it was saying "Hi Mommy! I hear you!"
Movement: Yes and lots of it. I'm enjoying every minute of it.
Food cravings: Yesterday it was garlic. Usually I just crave food in general.
Gender: Now I'm back to thinking boy.
Labor Signs: may have had my first round of Braxton Hicks on Tuesday night...or I may have just worn myself out dancing at a nightclub in Atlanta...yes, you read that right.
Belly Button in or out? Still slightly innie, but is flattening out more and more every day.
What I miss: Skinny ankles
What I am looking forward to: Working on the nursery and (hopefully) passing the glucose tolerance test on Thursday.
Weekly Wisdom: Only fly when absolutely's getting difficult between the lugging around luggage to water retention to the crazy swollen feet...not fun.
Milestones: Today is Viability Day! While it's not all that great of news, but Peanut would have a 50/50 shot with NICU care of surviving outside the womb. Clearly, I want Peanut to cook longer, preferably another 14-16 weeks longer. Basically what it really means is if I (GOD FORBID) go into labor, the NICU would do everything in their power to save my child. Any time before this, most insurance companies wouldn't allow it. :: Exhale ::
Friday, February 19, 2010
I'll be the first and only one to say it...

Sunday, February 14, 2010
And one more thing...
It's hard to believe that nearly 9 years ago we were drinking Keystone Light and listening to Jimmy Eat World in the Mole Hole of the frat and now I'm typing our blog about preparing for the birth of our child! What a ride we've had! Can't wait for more...
Ti amo per sempre,
Operation Nursery

2. Glider Rocker and Ottoman by Best Chairs. Have yet to purchase, hoping for a gray color. Saw at Merry-Go-Round Children's Store.
3. This is the bedding I would LOVE, but have only seen it for adult bedding. Is it crazy that I am considering buying and having baby sheets made from it??? Dwellstudio for Target, Mandala.
4. Artwork from etsy.
5. Table lamp from Ikea...super cute
6. Dresser from Ikea, Hemnes 8-drawer
7. Paint colors, 3 walls yellow, 1 accent wall gray.
8. Yet another elephant I had to have. This one has a mama and baby, Ikea.
9. Mobile I saw on etsy but haven't purchased because it's 80 bucks and that seemed a bit steep for a paper mobile.
10. Storage/bookshelf from Ikea
11. Munire Essex Crib (not the dresser) from Merry-Go-Round.
There you have it!
22 - 24 weeks*

*As you can see from post title, the baby is finished with it's rapid weekly growth and will be the size of a papaya for the next two weeks.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
2nd Trimester Ultrasound
Even though we don't want to know the gender, I was listening very intently to how the tech was phrasing things. 99% of the time she was great: "Here is your baby's left arm....that is the baby's spine", etc. However, the 1% was the single solitary time she said, "there are his long legs." UHHHHHH! I didn't even look at the Hubs. I just layed there like, "what do you mean?!?!" After the ultrasound was complete, the tech said, "now if I said more he's than she's it means nothing. If you don't find out, I don't find out." Right after the ultrasound we went straight to my doctor for my monthly check up and she said that the ultrasound techs always know, unless they are totally inexperienced. We are choosing to not read anything into it as it's hard to call the baby 'it' all the time and it's more natural to say his than hers. My mom thought, "if she slipped and said 'her', I'd say you can read more into thinking it's a girl because it's not as natural." Good point Mom...we agree! So who knows!
As I mentioned before, we went straight to my doctor's appointment right after the ultrasound, which was great because the Hubs got to meet her for the first time. He loved her (I knew he would). And just to throw the previous old wives tale gender post totally out of whack, baby's heart rate at the appointment was 138...a big drop from 160. Maybe it is a boy...? I'll let you be the judge:

Friday, February 5, 2010
21 weeks

*Translation: Your child will enjoy pasta, mexican food with hot sauce and peanut butter toast.
Monday, February 1, 2010
I just noticed...

I've got the fever!
While shopping with my friend Ang, she warned me not to by crap like this because it's the type of thing people like to give and you all of a sudden end up with one million just like it...I bought it anyway.

This is hilarious... I stand by my purchase.

What can I say? I'm weak :)
I did manage to buy something that will be useful, that I probably should of just registered for, but I was having a hormone the other day that I have purchased nothing that this baby needs and I am unprepared and the only thing the baby will have when it is here is adorable duck booties and Husky onesies (both incredibly necessary!). So, my mind was spiraling out of control. This is when I got this:
It's the Cadillac of baby monitors with the highest reviews. Ahhh...I feel better already. On Sunday, the Hubs picked up my parents and took them to Merry-Go-Round baby store to check out furniture. We saw lots of nice stuff, but didn't purchase anything....yet. I think we are going to go back in a couple weeks and pull the trigger. Highlight of the afternoon was seeing my Dad pick up a breast pump and use it like a classy!
We have so much to look forward to this week: Elton John/Billy Joel concert on Wednesday (!), and Peanut's second trimester ultrasound on Thursday! Can't wait to see my little Peanut up close and personal!