While shopping with my friend Ang, she warned me not to by crap like this because it's the type of thing people like to give and you all of a sudden end up with one million just like it...I bought it anyway.

This is hilarious... I stand by my purchase.

What can I say? I'm weak :)
I did manage to buy something that will be useful, that I probably should of just registered for, but I was having a hormone the other day that I have purchased nothing that this baby needs and I am unprepared and the only thing the baby will have when it is here is adorable duck booties and Husky onesies (both incredibly necessary!). So, my mind was spiraling out of control. This is when I got this:
It's the Cadillac of baby monitors with the highest reviews. Ahhh...I feel better already. On Sunday, the Hubs picked up my parents and took them to Merry-Go-Round baby store to check out furniture. We saw lots of nice stuff, but didn't purchase anything....yet. I think we are going to go back in a couple weeks and pull the trigger. Highlight of the afternoon was seeing my Dad pick up a breast pump and use it like a megaphone...so classy!
We have so much to look forward to this week: Elton John/Billy Joel concert on Wednesday (!), and Peanut's second trimester ultrasound on Thursday! Can't wait to see my little Peanut up close and personal!
Th image of Dad with the breast-pump: classic! You need to send me some preggers pic of you! Love, Sister ~C