I can hardly believe you are one month old. Other Mommys and Daddys told me this would go fast, but no one could have prepared me for how fast. You are growing so fast and we already have seen bits and pieces of your sweet little personality. We know that you don't enjoy baths, but will tolerate them, you like being snuggled close but like your arms to be free, you hate your vitamins, you like music and dancing with Mommy and Daddy and you love to eat.
When we brought you home, Mommy had so much anxiety for how you would sleep at night. It only took you 5 days to learn that night time is for sleeping, as we were so surprised when you slept for 6 hours straight when you were 8 days old! And every night since, you've been a pretty excellent sleeper. You've also taught Mommy to be more easy going as I've had to succumb to the fact that you rule the house. Priorities have changed--snuggling with you is much more important then tending to the house, which is why dust is collecting on our mantle and why I've neglected updating this blog. You definitely have reminded us of the simple joys in life; a coy smile, a pleasant walk on a sunny day, the feeling of your little hand grasping our finger.
You seem to be discovering new things every day. You have been fascinated by your hands (although, I don't think you know that you have control of them yet!), and you discovered your mobile in your crib a couple days ago and seemed to love staring at it...an event that left Mommy in tears as I often thought about what you would be like as I was making it and hoped you would love watching it turn.
You have showed us a love like none other and we are so thankful everyday that you came into our lives.
Ti amo per sempre,
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