I'm stealing this questionnaire from one of my favorite blogs...I thought it would be a funny way to track the pregnancy:
How far along? 6 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Even-steven since I'm just starting out....thank god!
Maternity clothes? Clearly, not wearing any...but I have been looking online and so far, I'm not impressed.
Stretch marks? Noooooo.
Sleep: Sleeping a lot...I seem to always be tired. One weird thing is that I wake up, on my own, every morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 6:15am....but around 7:30 I wanna go back to sleep.
Best moment this week: Hearing the hubs say, "love you guys" when leaving for work...makes me melt.
Movement: Uh, no.
Food cravings: Ketchup...which is odd because I never liked it before. You should've seen the pile of it I scooped up with my fries.
Gender: I have no idea...the hubs thinks boy though.
Labor Signs: Zip.
Belly Button in or out? Innie.
What I miss: Wine...already
What I am looking forward to: My first appointment...scheduled for November 9th.
Weekly Wisdom: To have this question on here is a mistake, since I have none....I guess I would say, stop thinking of all the negative things that could happen and focus on the positive....or some crap like that :)
Milestones: This is just the beginning!!
Hello world!
1 year ago
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