Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pants on Fire

I hate lying. Even worse, I suck at it. I'm pretty shocked that we haven't spilled the beans to anyone. Even after attending a wedding of a co-worker, where I sipped on soda water with a wedge of lime, no one found out! Actually, I'm thanking my lucky stars right now because having work collegues find out our secret would be the absolute worst case scenario considering there *might* be some changes going on at work involving a possible promotion...but that is for a different blog.

But I miss my family...I usually see them every other weekend for dinner and drinking my dad's yummy wine, but I really don't want to blatently lie to their faces, so I've just made up excuses for why we can't see them. I know a lot of people won't understand why we aren't even telling our family yet--we do have our reasons. However, I will be put to the ultimate test on Wednesday when I meet my girls for our usually monthly get tossed mid-week for no reason after work happy hour cocktail. Lucky for me (which is unlucky for Hubs), the Hubs is having surgery on Thursday, which will be my excuse to keep a clear mind and cut out early.

My first doctor's appointment is a week from Monday where I'll get to find out my real due date, get grilled with family history questions and get molested by that giant wand...all to see a picture of that little person that has been consuming my mind ever since I saw those two pink lines.

1 comment:

  1. Your are right, you do suck at lying, i agree with the bro-in-law tho, i thought you would be way better at it! I knew you were hiding something since you were pretty much MIA to us!!! And i was crossing my fingers and holding my breath that this would be it! I am so excited for you! just please not too much belly rubbing :) love you guys (you and babez that is) and the hubs too!
    ~sister J
