Saturday, November 28, 2009
11 weeks.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
So much to be thankful for!

If you look closely, you can see an arm by it's face and a leg sticking out

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I guess I won't be one of thoooose pregnant gals...
I walked a steady 3.8 pace for 35 minutes and was feeling pretty damn proud of myself, that was, until I stopped and felt so dizzy I was worried I was gonna fall over. After quick grab of the arm of the treadmill and some water, I felt better and left that gym so fast you'd think I was being chased out. On the drive home, I was waiting for the endorphins to kick in, pat me on the back and say things to me like, "Aren't you glad you did that?" or "Ahhh, that felt good!" or "I'm going to do this everyday!" Instead it was like, "I feel sick" and "I'm soooo hungry" and "I miss bed".
The weird thing was while I was walking, I did enjoy listening to my i-pod and just zoning out. Normally when I exercise, it's the opposite: I hate it while I'm doing it and after I feel great. Even weirder, I felt this heaviness the whole time, like I could feel Peanut swimming and bouncing around which makes sense since there is something in there! I will attempt to go more, hoping that the long term effects will be more positive than the initial ones. Be on the lookout tomorrow for some ultrasound pics as we are going in for our first trimester screening. It will be Hubs' first look at Peanut too!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Lots of excitement!
The second piece of excitement revolves around telling the Hubs' parents our big news. We made plans to have dinner with them Saturday night and of course tell them that they were going to be Grandparents (Amma and Opa) for the third time. We had a couple gifts stashed, but we knew that if we just gave them the gift bag, they would know right away. Instead, the Hubs concocted a brilliant idea to divert their thinking. Here's how it went:
Hubs: "So, we have some news to tell you..."
(Amma and Opa look at both of us with ear to ear grins)
Hubs: "A has gotten a promotion at work!"
(Amma and Opa clap excitedly, but with a wee bit of disappointment in their eyes :) )
Amma: "You did?! That is great! Congratulations!"
Opa: "That is great news! Is the position here? You won't have to move, will you?"
Me: "Nope, it's here!"
Hubs: "That's right because we have to stay close to Amma and Opa..(pause)..we're pregnant!"
(Amma and Opa yell with enthusiasm, hugs and tears all around)
Their reaction was priceless! We had a great time at dinner and playing cards after with Cousins Stan and Barb. After revealing the big secret to both of our families, we spent the drive home talking about how lucky we were to be bringing a baby into a big family that has so much love for Peanut and it's not even here yet. I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving, where our secret will be shared with both of our extended families and also on Wednesday where we get to get another sneak peak of Peanut (who incidentally is now bigger than a peanut!) and make sure he/she is growing healthy and strong. I'm definitely not leaving the office until I get a picture this time! Stay tuned...
Friday, November 20, 2009
10 weeks.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Taco Time: A Love Story

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Don't think you'll find this in Oprah's Book Club...
I read it cover to cover in about an hour and a half and let me say, I was not impressed. I feel like she either totally exaggerated everything to the point of disbelief or she is the biggest wimp of all time. Granted, I feel like thus far I have been blessed with a seamless pregnancy; a little bit of nausea here and there, boob soreness (which really can feel like burning) and being tired and hungry pretty much at all times. I have witnessed my close friends throwing up every day (poor things) while in the first trimester, but nothing like what this book details. At one point, I put the book down and had a mini-freak out that something was wrong with my pregnancy because I wasn't having near the amount of symptoms as her. Then I reminded myself that she probably wrote this book with one purpose: to make money. Books about a little bit of nausea and frequent peeing don't sell (which is probably why so few people read this blog :) ).
However, there were some parts that are chuckle-worthy. Shortly after she finds out she is pregnant she decides to take a dip in the hotel hot tub (which, hello? Doesn't everyone know pregnant women can't go in? Did you miss the giant warning signs that are right next to it??) She then freaks out she "hard-boiled her baby"....sorta funny. I could also relate to the parts throughout the book where she worries about pooping while giving birth. :: shudder :: Freaks me out too. Or the section of "Psycho Chick" making her appearance (poor hubs).
All in all, I thought it was mildly entertaining and if you are trapped on a plane with nothing else to do, it may be worth the read. But honestly, I prefer Jenny McCarthy hosting Singled Out.
Friday, November 13, 2009
I love olives.

Monday, November 9, 2009
First Doctor's Appointment!
They must have known how excited I was because I sat there, no pants and all, on the bench for damn near 30 minutes before my Dr. came in. I lay back, she gets out the wand and puts on what only can be described as a condom (oh the irony!) on the wand before putting it...well...you know.
And there it was...our cute little Peanut (*tear*)! It's little heartbeat beating strong and I could even see the spiral of the umbilical cord. The only problem was it was upside down and asleep! I like to think it was in an advanced yoga pose and drifted off to sleep. Then, the doctor starts moving my ute trying to get the baby to turn over, but the baby is apparently both stubborn and a very sound sleeper (gets both traits from it's mama). The Dr. insisted everything looked great and right on schedule for a mid-June delivery and the baby was just sleeping away. I didn't get a picture though...BOO! But, in another 4 weeks I'll be back for another ultrasound and hopefully Peanut will be awake.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Wild Friday Night!

Cute, huh? It was fun to finally tell a couple of friends! It's been hard keeping this secret, especially to them because we hang out every weekend and G is 37 weeks preggo with Claire-bear. We spent the rest of the night talking about baby stuff and getting excited how our kids will be 7 months apart in age and in the same grade at school..yay! But, I don't care what 8-years-ago-us would say....because we aren't the same people anymore...it's us + a peanut ;)
Friday, November 6, 2009
8 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +2, and still soooo bloated
Maternity clothes?: Just bought some, you can see them here
Stretch marks?: Can you get stretch marks from excessive bloat? Hopefully not.
Sleep: Getting more and more difficult. I've begun having to get up once in the middle of the night to pee.
Best moment this week: Broke the news to the parents and Sister J...all are very excited.
Movement: Nope.
Food cravings: Fruit
Gender: I have no idea
Labor Signs: No thanks.
Belly Button in or out?: Innie.
What I miss: Sleeping through the night. And not having spontaneous back pains.
What I am looking forward to: Hearing the heartbeat on Monday!
Weekly Wisdom: When something sounds good, eat it! Rarely does anything sound good.
Milestones: This was a bit of a boring week. Sorry to disappoint.
A Raspberry!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Operation New Wardrobe: Phase 1

I plan on living in hoodies :)
This shirt got the highest reviews on the website for comfort and flattery...I got it in purple.
I didn't go crazy, just some staples... Frankly, I wasn't impressed with the selection and I'm hoping for some of my fabulous girlfriends to lend me some of their cute clothes as well, whenever I decide to tell them. And I'm glad that I *finally* have some good suggestions for Mom when she asks me for Christmas gift ideas. Yes, yours truly, otherwise known as Mrs. Clark Griswold is already thinking about Christmas--my favorite time of year!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What Would Tom Colicchio Do?

and here is how it ended:

Ok, not exactly...I didn't puke...but the thought of eating my creation sounded horrible. In my culinary defense, the Hubs and D & G loved my dinner, but Peanut was not impressed. Even seeing the leftovers sit in my fridge remind me of the smells...oy.
So for now, I will stick to eating things I like, including fruit (especially berries), saltines, noodle soup. Oh, and ginger ale.