love the card!
How nice is that?! The ladies in my office (all THREE of them) had Top Pot doughnuts waiting for me and we had a nice little shower! Peanut got a little yellow zippy and bib (complete with my company logo, of course...gotta start 'em young!) and a little PINK onesie, since that is their official guess to what Peanut is :). We also got the diaper genie...one of the key elements that was missing from our nursery!
Looking forward to a FOUR day weekend, thanks to a flex day I'm taking tomorrow. The weekend is busy though! I have my last baby shower, and it's my wonderful friend Kim's wedding, so I will be busy with that along with the rehearsal/dinner the day before. My feet have been rather swollen lately, so I am beginning OPERATION DEBLOAT today...drinking tons of water, staying away from salt, sticking to my nightly baths and elevating my feet. I'd *really* like to wear some gold heals just for pictures and for the wedding ceremony, but right now, my feet in heels look like sausages that have been stuffed in casings that are entirely too tight. I'm also hoping that a massage and pedicure tomorrow will help also. I better prepare for the worst though and go out and get some gold flats, just in case. I'm really hoping the photographer will have mercy on me and strategically cover my enormous belly, flabby arms and 2 of my 3 chins.
Then, just a 4 day work week next week and then I am working from home until the baby makes it's appearance! It will be nice just wearing my sweats instead of the 10 work outfit maternity rotation I have going on. Plus, if I have to hear, "you still haven't had that baby yet?! How much longer???" any more, I might just smack someone. ;)
Also, don't forget to place your bet in the baby stats poll. Just click the link below...Only one week left!
Please send Kim our very best wishes and enjoy the day! Love,