I almost made it through the whole pregnancy with out the dreaded stranger-touching-the-belly incident. Over the weekend, we went to Lucia Italian Restaurant (food rating= B-) in Kirkland for a surprise 31st birthday party. After about 3 hours, my feet had more water in them than the Atlantic and I told the Hubs it was time to go so I could get into my nightly bath. On our way out, we stopped in the bar to say goodbye to some friends and then it happened. Not only did a stranger go right for my belly, but IT WAS A MAN! Ahh! So unexpected! He took his two giant man hands and stroked my belly. I nervously looked for the Hubs to get all primal and protective of his young spawn, and spotted him drinking a shot of Jager with his brother. Thanks babe. It felt like it lasted forever--actual time: probably 1.7 seconds, but still so weird. Yet another reason why pregnant women should not go to bars.
In other news, I had our 36 week appointment yesterday and Peanut is measuring at 37 weeks and heartbeat is strong! No dilatation and baby still needs to come down a bit, so we have some time. The big shocker was I haven't gained any more weight since my appointment two weeks ago! Woohoo! Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not trying to lose weight, I just really don't need to gain anymore. I'm sure I can attribute it to the chicken incident, and not my healthy eating habits. Any way, we are on weekly appointments now, so hopefully we start seeing little bits of progress!
Hello world!
1 year ago
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