I was very happy to see 2009 finally come to an end. It was a difficult year for me, except for the last couple months. It was such a relief to know that 2010 had begun, like starting with a clean slate. We spend the holiday at with our friends, D & G and Dan & Ang, with their respective cutie-pies, Claire and Bennett at G's cabin on Anderson Island. It was very low-key and quite relaxing. We spent a chunk of the time chuckling about what a difference a year makes. Last New Years at the cabin, G and I spent the night drinking champagne and white wine on the deck til 3 am and forecasting that we would not be hungover the next day because even though we were drinking different types of wine, they were from the same vineyard...sheesh. New Years Day was then spent hydrating with Vitamin Water and popping Advil like they were Pez, trying to keep last night's dinner down.
This year, we had a 4 week old baby, an 8 month old baby and yours truly, 16 weeks pregnant. G and Ang enjoyed some glorious champagne and I sipped on this:

Yes, that is alcohol free sparkling grape juice champagne. It didn't taste bad, it just didn't taste like champagne, I don't know why I even bothered. Anyway, I wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2010. Oh, and I posted a fun little poll on the right margin of this page...will Peanut be a boy or a girl?
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