How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +6...I attribute this mostly to the insane amount of peanut brittle eaten since Christmas. Little Peanut only weighs 6 ounces...
Maternity clothes?: Yes, elastic waist pants are glorious.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Ugh. Sleep, you went from friend to foe. Wednesday night was particularly bad as I felt crampy all night. I think it was because I ate an insane amount of food for dinner and the baby is going through a growth spurt, so there just isn't enough room in there.
Best moment this week: Feeling flutters
Movement: See above.
Food cravings: Just the usual, tacos and refried beans
Gender: At the moment, I'm thinking girl.
Labor Signs: No-Thank God.
Belly Button in or out? Innie.
What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy
What I am looking forward to: The flutters are great, but I'm looking forward to the definitive kicks.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't bother with the non-alcoholic wine. Grapefruit juice with Pellegrino is delish.
Milestones: Movement!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Don't worry ...the innie will become an outie! Love, Mom