Kicking or dancing: whatever it's doing, it's doing with conviction! Most of the time, I think Peanut is sleeping, but I have already started to notice patterns in the movement. S/he has lots of strong kicks/punches/jabs/grand jetes starting around 9:30am (must be a late sleeper like it's daddy) until about 10:30ish. Then I figure it has worn itself out and sleeps all day and most of the evening. After dinner is when Peanut gets another wave of energy and moves some more. It is such a wonderful feeling...I love having little reminders of the little life growing inside.
The Hubs and I have tons of pregnancy books, but one of my favorites is a week by week book that talks about changes in me, changes in the baby and pictures on a week by week basis. Last night were catching up on Week 18 because lately I've been traveling a lot for work. Anyway, there was an amazing picture of how the baby looks inside right now. I couldn't find the exact picture online, but here is another I found that is equally cool:
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