Friday, April 23, 2010

32 weeks!

How far along? 32 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: big.

Maternity clothes?: Some of my maternity clothes purchased a couple months ago are getting snug...very scary!

Stretch marks?: Just a couple, but none on the belly...thank god.

Sleep: I've been sleeping great, with the exception of the charlie horse in the calf about once a week.

Best moment this week: Got some relief from back pain thanks to some physical therapy!

Movement: Yes and lots of it. I'm enjoying every minute of it.

Food cravings: Fruit. We're close to finishing the 4 lb. basket of strawberries I bought 4 days ago...yum!

Gender: So hard to say...been thinking boy lately. The Hubs and I decided we would buy two special outfits to bring with us to the hospital, one for if it's a boy and another for if it's a girl. I bought the 'girl' outfit at Nordstrom yesterday and OMG it's *so* stinking cute...made me kinda hope it's a girl :)

Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks made many appearances last week in Victoria and has come every day since.

Belly Button in or out? Neither--it's so flat. However, the little part in the middle is trying to bust out.

What I miss: Many pairs of my shoes, sleeping on my belly and wine.

What I am looking forward to: My first baby shower on Sunday!

Weekly Wisdom: Drink as much water as possible. It helps with EVERYTHING!

Milestones: Wow--we're beginning the 8th month!

1 comment:

  1. I only made it to 33 weeks with Chace... you're almost there! Isnt' that crazy to think? Imagine how surprised I was... ;) Andi, you are too darn cute. I love reading your blog and your little peanut will too one day.
