I was noticing the ticker to the right on this blog with the countdown: "you are 30 weeks, 2 days pregnant, only 68 days to go!" 68 Days?!? 68 days ago was when we had our last ultrasound. 68 days ago was early February, which was not long ago at all and in (roughly) 68 days our little Peanut will be here! Amazing how time flies!
In other news, the Hubs, Opa & Amma came over on Saturday and did a fantastic job of assembling Peanut's crib and muscling the deceivingly heavy dresser into the house. I would post some pictures of how it looks now, but I'd rather wait until the chair is in and the art is on the wall, etc, etc. So I'll just make you wait!
Not a whole lot will get accomplished this week because the Hubs and I will be going on our 'Babymoon' to Victoria on Friday! Cross your fingers for nice weather!
And on a totally unrelated note, if you are not watching Modern Family, you are majorly missing out! Here is a link with clips of my favorite TV couple. Enjoy!
Hello world!
1 year ago
I looooove Modern Family! It is seriously the funniest show on tv right now. I can never decide who my favorite is. Pretty sure its Phil. No, Manny. No, Cam. No... Manny.