After work, I came home and went upstairs to our computer to check my email. I was sitting there for maybe 5-10 minutes, with my feet crossed at the ankles. (Yes, I know I'm not supposed to sit with my legs or ankles crossed...but I was comfortable!) While I was checking my email, the Hubs came home from work and came upstairs. I uncrossed my ankles, flung off my shoes and stood up to give him a hug and kiss. That's when I looked down and saw this:
No, I'm not referring to the fact that I desperately need a pedicure. Do you see that massive indent on the right side of my right foot?! That is from the wedge of my left heel digging into my right foot from sitting for 7 minutes with my ankles crossed. And I SWEAR it didn't hurt at all. Here it is again:
The Hubs and I just stared at each other stunned for a while before he said, "Wow, that is some crazy sh*t." He doesn't normally swear, but can you blame him? Yowza. So today, my cute, patent leather wedges are sitting quietly on my shoe rack while these hideous things are on my feet:

I'm now ready to join the Circus...
Oh Andi, I was right there with ya girl. Sit on the edge of the bathtub and make the hubs rub them with some seasalt and water... It's just the right cure!