For the many challenges in life, I find it helpful to consult one of the all-time best doctors: Dr. Leo Marvin. You might have heard of him:
Today, we had our appointment to see if Peanut has made any progress and lo and behold, it had! I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced! Ok, it's not huge progress, but as Dr. Marvin would say, it's about setting small, reasonable goals, so I'm happy! If Peanut makes it through the weekend, then the next check up will be on Monday, followed by an ultrasound on Thursday. If nothing happens by then, we will plan for an induction ::shudder:: sometime the week following. I would really rather not be induced. I trust my body and I just want Peanut to come when s/he is ready...but I also have planned for a June baby, not a July baby. So again, we wait...
Hello world!
1 year ago
I'm getting so excited about finally seeing peanut or peanutella! LOVE,Grandma D