This posting contains a little of this and a little of that...first off, I hope you like the face lift to the blog. I had a very strong feeling of "I HATE this background" today, so it had to be changed right away.
Second, I was hoping the baby would be born today. Not because I'm uncomfortable (I'm really not) or I'm sick of being pregnant (also not) but because today has a lot of significance for the Hubs and I. The Hubs' late Grandma & Grandpa were married on this day in 1946 and today was also the fateful day that I met my Future-Hubs, 9 years ago, at a fraternity, in a room, lovingly referred to as "The Mole Hole" was wonderful. Our eyes met from across the smelly, crowded room, Outkast's "Miss Jackson" playing in the background and with a couple of Keystone Lights in our hands...ahh...memories! Even the Hubs remembered our little faux-anniversary as I was surprised with beautiful red roses! Anyway, The Hubs and I thought it would be neat if our little Peanut was born to add to the significance of June 9th, but unless I begin and finish labor in the next 7 hours and 14 minutes, it doesn't look like it's gonna happen.
Which segways nicely into my third update, Peanut seems to be quite happy inside. I had my 38 week appointment (just 2 days shy of 39 weeks...oh well) and Peanut has come down some and my (WARNING--Dad, I'm going to mention girly parts) cervix is getting softer (I know...ewww), but not much else is happening in there. Next check up is next Wednesday 6/16, and I went ahead and booked another appointment with the Doctor for 6/21, 3 days post due date. Things are pretty quiet here, so I think Peanut will be a bit late to the party. I've been having some very mild and random contractions and some discomfort in my lower back, but that is it. Oh, besides the fact that I feel like a bowling ball is wedged in my pelvis...besides that, all quiet on the baby eviction front. Until next week!
Hello world!
1 year ago
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