I'm thinking it's the latter. What I am referring to is my unwavering ability to have some kind of ailment for all of life's big events. College Graduation? Horrible cold. Wedding Day? Awful sinus infection. Babymoon Trip? Unbearable lower back pain. And now, just 3 days shy of my due date, I have come down with a cold. The Hubs apparently agrees, because when he came home from work today to see me on the couch with Kleenex said, "Oh no, you're sick? Well, that means the baby is coming soon!" I think it may be one big fake out. I feel exactly the same as last week, just bigger...if that is even possible.
We have a Doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon and all day I've been fantasizing that the Doctor will check me and announce, "Today is baby's birthday! Head straight over to Labor and Delivery!" However, seeing as my water is still intact and my lack of contractions, I don't think that is going to happen. Today I finished folding Peanut's last load of laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, cleaned out the freezer and refrigerator and went to the store to restock...just in case. Let's hope for progress tomorrow!
Hello world!
1 year ago
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