How far along? 40 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: ~+36...yowza!
Maternity clothes?: Yes, I have stained many of them, since I cannot see when I spill on my they are not looking very chic.
Stretch marks?: I made it to week 38 with only a few stray stretchies, but courtesy of baby dropping, I have patches of them below my belly button. Good-bye bikini...FOREVER!
Sleep: Pretty darn good. I get up to pee about 3 times. Wish I could say the same for the Hubs, thanks to my liking the window open and my incessant snoring (which was only made worse by my cold). He now wakes up shivering, forced to listen to an orchestra of snores and snorts.
Best moment this week: Hearing from the Doctor that I am 1 cm. dilated and 50% effaced! Progress is progress!
Movement: Yes: big, rumbling movements.
Food cravings: Grape popsicles...mmm!
Gender: No idea. Hubs still thinks boy.
Labor Signs: Cramping...inconsistent though.
Belly Button in or out? Flat and ever so slightly out.
What I miss: Not feeling my belly on my thighs when I sit, margaritas, not freaking out by every little feeling inside.
What I am looking forward to: Giving birth and hopefully celebrating the Hubs' 1st Father's Day!
Weekly Wisdom: Stay busy during the last few weeks/days. Helps to not obsess!
Milestones: Made it to the due date!
Hello world!
1 year ago
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