Memorial Day weekend was absolutely packed! All fun things is my best attempt to recap for my handful of readers. WARNING: This is gonna be a long one:
Friday: Took a flex day from work (meaning not at work, but available and periodically checking and responding to emails). The day started out with a massage and pedicure from a local chain...I wasn't going to name names, but what the hell, I'll say it--Inspa. It's a chain, so I wasn't planning on this being the most unique experience, but I had a gift card to burn so why not. My massage was not nearly as relaxing as others I've had for two reasons: #1-- No belly pillow to allow me to lay on my belly. So the whole massage was me laying on my sides. She did do a nice job of positioning pillows to support my hips, back, belly, etc--but it wasn't the same. And #2-- the masseuse broke what I consider to be the cardinal rule of massage--She starting talking. The only thing I want to hear when I'm getting a massage is, "is the pressure ok?, then puh-lease, just shut up! But, not only did she start talking to me all about her son, but she starting telling me that he is autistic and then about how I shouldn't vaccinate my baby. Uhh...are you kidding me?! I was shocked at how ballsy she was talking about something so political and emotional, let alone talking at all. I pretty much just ignored her, hoping she would get the message that I don't want to chat. Eventually, she did.
After my spa treatments I went shopping, trying to find some low heels to fit my enormous feet for the wedding later that weekend. Not only did I not find anything, but walking into Macys, I slipped and fell on my hands and knees. So basically, any relaxation I did get from the massage, I could just kiss goodbye as I immediately felt my body tense up again. Even more infuriating: no one, and I mean NO ONE, helped me up! In fact a guy practically stepped over me to enter the store...unbelievable. I called the Hubs in tears, that I felt some cramping and Peanut got jostled and OMG, what if I'm going into labor!?! The Hubs being the sensible person he is told me to relax and go home and everything was fine because Peanut is big and strong. He also cracked me up when he said, "you need to be are really big and clumsy now." True facts. I now have a nice reminder of my bigness and clumsiness by two lovely bruises on my knees.
It turns out, I did not go into labor and the evening was fabulous as a bunch of my wonderful friends and I saw Sex and the City 2 (rating: B+). I didn't think it was as good as the first movie, but still very entertaining and well worth a girls night out to see it.
Saturday: Had a wonderful baby shower brunch, which really was more like a baby DOWNPOUR hosted by my dear friends, the Bennett girls. It really was so nice, many of our family friends that we don't get to see much attended and Peanut and I got absolutely spoiled rotten! Sister C even flew in from San Francisco to be there! After the shower, I sped home and quickly changed my clothes, grabbed the Hubs and went to my friend Kim's wedding rehearsal and then the delicious rehearsal dinner at Cutters. Whenever I am with my girlfriends from college, we have a ball. Laughing and reminiscing about the crazy lives we used to lead...always such fun.
Sunday: Went over to my parents' house for breakfast with the fam and then the group came to our house to check out the nursery. They loved if I had any doubt....and as soon as I finish up a couple of little details, I will post some photos here. We also caught up and looked at pictures from their recent trip to France and one point I looked at the Hubs and I know we thought the same thing; It's gonna be a loooong time before we can go to Europe! Maybe for our 10 year anniversary. After the slide show, I ran upstairs to primp for our wonderful friends Kim and Greg's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and Kim looked absolutely radiant, as I knew she would. I managed to squeeze my XXL feet into some heels for the pictures and the ceremony and then quickly changed to flip flops. Being a bridesmaid at 37 weeks pregnant isn't necessarily something I would recommend to everyone, but I am so glad I did it and I truly would do it again. A black stretchy dress, big belly and swollen feet is just a small price to pay to stand by one of your closest friends as they get married and share in all of the excitement.
Monday: Monday felt like a hangover. I was so incredibly exhausted and the Hubs was too, although, we can probably attribute his to an actual hangover : ). All of the craziness caught up with me and there was no way I was doing anything. I should have done laundry, tidied up the house, finished the nursery and ran errands. Instead, I took naps, ate and watched Julie and Julia (rating: B, quite cute) in bed with the Hubs. At around 3pm, we decided to attempt to be productive and assemble our stroller. We were pleasantly surprised when all we had to do was snap on three wheels and the canopy. It took around 49 seconds and that was enough productivity for us. At around 6:30ish, we finally got up, showered and took ourselves to out to dinner.
This is my last week at the office, as I will work from home until little Peanut decides to come. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so hopefully we'll see a bit of progress, but if there is none, that is fine too. I really am not that uncomfortable and I just want Peanut to come when s/he is ready.
Hello world!
1 year ago
I can't believe you fell and nobody helped you up!! RUDE. Which Macy's were you at? And I had a girl giving me a facial talk through the whole thing about how her boyfriend's mom has cancer. Don't these people get the memo that we're paying good money to relax?!?!